NewspaperCODE Chronicles - Les chroniques du CODE
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Issue 10, June 2011

With contributions from the CODE Team, Bluewater District School Board, Christopher R. Bugaj, Peterborough Victoria, Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board, FrontRow Canada, HP Canada.


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Issue 5, November 2009

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CODE Chronicles Issue 5, November 2009: Full Version [PDF-708kb]*

Individual Sections

Cover and Contents (pg 1) [PDF-328kb]
Letter from the editors, list of contributors, and table of contents.

Reflections on Implementing Change “By the Book”: Expanding Our Implementation of the CODE Project during 2007–2008 (pg 2-3) [PDF-224kb]
This article details the board's implementation of its CODE project, which focused on how to better meet the learning needs of special education students in the areas of literacy and numeracy. PLCs were set up in each elementary school involving early literacy, special education and JK–Grade 6 staff. The project model was eventually expanded to be more inclusive of all staff from K–Grade 8.

Premier Assistive Technology and the OSSLT (pg 3-4) [PDF-232kb]
This article summarizes the board's 2007–2008 CODE pilot project, initiated to determine whether the use of the Premium Literacy Suite software would improve first-time-eligible students' success rates on the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT). The project's success was an encouraging experience for staff and students involved.

Le nouveau document L'apprentissage de la maternelle à la 12e année : une réponse à tout ou une ressource liant EED et pédagogie ? (pg 4) [PDF-120kb]
Les conseils lead pour les francophones : le CSDCSO pour la région centre-sud-ouest, le CSDCEO pour l'est de la province et le CSC Franco-Nord procéde à la consultation.

More issues of CODE Chronicles are available in the archive.

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