Lessons Learned and Effective Practices Regarding the Implementation of the Connections for Students Model
to Support Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Collaborative Services Delivery Model (CSDM) for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Phase 2 Report of

1 Introduction Approaches to Effective Collaboration

Decision Making

Connections for Students team members may not agree on an area of importance for the student or on communication, format, or a particular decision to be made.

Provincial Advisory Team Recommended Solutions

Coming to consensus on what the focus should be takes time and insightful probing from team members. A focus on the needs of the child will result in the development of organic solutions.

An agreed upon assessment tool can be effective in guiding student transition and identify a focus and inform the development of a student’s transition process.

• Autism Intervention Program (AIP) providers and District School Boards (DSBs) should clearly define what their respective roles in the transition process are, and what decisions regarding students they are responsible for (i.e. eligibility for discharge, classroom placement etc.)

AIPs and DSBs should be in regular contact and meet prior to the first meeting with the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) to ensure that all team members are clear on what their role in the transition process includes.

Empower the parent(s)/guardian(s) before each meeting, by providing the necessary information and tools to understand and provide input into each decision.

2 Characteristics of Success
and Suggested Strategies
Student Centred Teams
3 Approaches to Effective Collaboration
People & Organizational Management
Roles and Responsibilities
Decision Making
Training and Learning
Early Withdrawl from IBI
Parent Engagement
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